Thrift Item of the Moment: Christmas Balls


I’ve been snapping these up at thrift stores and rummage sales all fall. I got this entire box for 2 bucks. I like to get them in their original boxes with price tags from Woodward’s or Zeller’s or other defunct stores.These were made in Poland, but most of the ones I own come from East Germany (obviously they’re from another era). My objective is to have as little (fake) tree showing as possible.

Wrapping Up Christmas

Shortly after Christmas, Marlena took us to see this elaborately decorated Christmas house in the Queen Alexandra neighbourhood. It was such an impressive sight I took my niece to see it twice (actually, the second time was because I inadvertently deleted the video we  made the first time).

Here are some stills:

click photos to enlarge

I also took my niece to see the house on 95th Street I blogged about a few weeks ago, and Maisie’s Magical Christmas House which I blogged about a few years ago. Here are some shots from this year:

click on photos to enlarge

Nothing beats Maisie’s for sheer excess, however we both liked the house in Allendale best – for homemade ingenuity and cheeky humour.