There is a crack…


This is what the guy who cleans my gutters and downspouts wrote on his invoice on Sunday. I was a little puzzled at first but quickly realized he was talking about this:


click to enlarge

When I moved into my house a dozen years ago I was going to replace the cracked glass in the interior door to my front vestibule, but instead I decided to commission my artist friend Marlena to decorate it with one of my favourite Leonard Cohen lyrics (from his song “Anthem”). I had to search through my archive of (pre-digital) photo prints to find these photos of the work in progress:





Thrift Item of the Moment: Miraculous Virgin Mary Baseball Cap


Nothing says pious devotion quite as much as a Virgin Mary baseball cap, right? That’s what I thought when I saw about a dozen of these babies at Value Village last month. I immediately notified my friend Marlena who has something of a Virgin Mary collecting festish as evidenced by the “Mary corner” of her studio:


She thought the caps were quite beautiful and bought a couple.


Just look how she glows when she has it on.

And speaking of glow, check out this video that Marlena sent me demonstrating a special feature of these hats that she discovered entirely by accident:

It’s a miracle!